Conference Director:
Mr. Julien Chaisse
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Julien Chaisse is Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Director Center for Financial regulation and Economic Development. Professor Chaisse is a specialist in international economic law with particular expertise in the regulation and economics of foreign investment. His researches also cover other relevant fields, such as WTO law, international taxation and the law of natural resources. Before joining CUHK Law Faculty in 2009, Prof. Chaisse has ever served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, and has started his academic career in Europe. Since then, he has been frequently being invited to guest at many prestigious academies and universities around the world, including the Academy of International Investment and Trade Law, Boston University and Brown University (U.S.), Passau University (Germany) and Sydney University (Australia). Prof. Chaisse is an author and editor of books and book chapters published by leading publishers. He has also authored a broad body of well-regarded and widely-cited articles on topics ranging from the rise of sovereign wealth funds, the regulation of foreign investment to decision-making challenges facing the WTO, which have been published in the top refereed journals of international law. In recognition of his outstanding scholarly achievements, Prof. Chaisse received the CUHK Research Excellence Award in 2012, and was appointed Director of the Center for Financial Regulation and Economic Development of our Faculty since 2013. In addition to scholarly work, Prof. Chaisse has wide experience as a practitioner, and is engaged as expert, counsel and arbitrator in international dispute settlement. Apart from his frequently being interviewed by local and international media on current events and legal issues, Prof. Chaisse is also regularly invited to provide legal advice and training courses on cutting-edge issues of international economic law for international organizations, governments, multinational law firms and private investors, including the United Nations ESCAP and ITC, World Trade Organization, ASEAN Secretariat, European Commission, Asian Development Bank, numbers of European countries and ASEAN member states.
[Official website]
Keynote Speaker:
Ms. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes
Faculty of Law, University of Geneva
Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Geneva and Former President of the European Society of International Law. Laurence Boisson de Chazournes has gained a wide-ranging reputation in academic circles for her contribution to international law, in such fields as the law of international organizations, international economic law and international environmental law, while at the same time being recognized for her practical work as Senior Counsel to the World Bank and as advisor to many international organizations. She has been professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva since 1999, and the Head of the Department of public international law and international organization between 1999 and 2009. She has been and is a visiting professor at the University of Aix-Marseille III, the University of Paris I (Sorbonne), the University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) and the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. She has been invited as guest lecturer in numerous universities in Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia. In the field of dispute settlement Laurence Boisson de Chazournes has served as chairperson of WTO arbitration panels on pre-shipment inspections and as an arbitrator for ICSID and for other arbitration fora. She has acted as Counsel before the ICJ and other dispute settlement fora. She is a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, a member of the WTO indicative list of governmental and non-governmental panelists, an arbitrator of the Court of Arbitration for Sport and a Member of the list of Arbitrators of the French National Committee (ICC). Laurence Boisson de Chazournes is a member of many editorial and advisory boards, including those of the American Journal of International Law, the International Organizations Law Review and the Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. She is President of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), a co-chair for the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law and is a member of other scientific associations. She directs research projects funded by Swiss, French and international agencies. She has authored and edited 20 books and has written over a hundred articles.
[Official Website]
Conference Rapporteur:
Pierre Sauvé
World Trade Institute
Pierre Sauvé is Director of External Programmes and Academic Partnerships and faculty member at the World Trade Institute (WTI), University of Bern, Switzerland. He also serves as an academic advisor and as a faculty member of the University of Barcelona’s LLM programme in international economic law and policy (IELPO) and is a Visiting Professor at the College of Europe, in Bruges, Belgium. He has held visiting professor appointments at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques’ (Sciences-Po) in Paris, France, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He served as a senior economist in the OECD Trade Directorate from 1993–2002, a period during which he was a faculty member of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and was appointed non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. Prior to joining the OECD, he served as services negotiator within the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Office of North American Free Trade Negotiations. He was previously a staff member of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in Geneva, Switzerland as well as the Bank for International Settlements, in Basle, Switzerland. Mr. Sauvé was educated in economics and international relations at the Université du Québec à Montreal and Carleton University in Canada, as well as at Cambridge and Oxford universities in the United Kingdom. He has advised the governments of a number of OECD and developing countries and served as a consultant to leading regional and multilateral agencies involved in trade, finance and development. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Economic Law and the Journal of World Trade. He was appointed in 2003 as a member of the dispute panel roster of trade specialists established under the North American Free Trade Agreement and served on the Warwick Commission on the Future of the Multilateral Trading System in 2007. He currently serves on the Scientific Committee of the Swiss network for International Studies and on the Advisory Board of the WTO Academic Chairs programme.
[Official Website]
Mr. Manzoor Ahmad
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, Geneva
Manzoor Ahmad is a Senior Fellow at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development in Geneva. A Pakistani national, he has served in various senior positions for his government and in international organizations. He was the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the World Trade Organization (WTO) from 2002 to 2008. During that period, he chaired the WTO Council for Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) from 2004-2008 and the Balance of Payments Restrictions Committee during 2003-2004. He also served as the Director, Liaison Office, Food and Agriculture Organization to the United Nations from 2008 to 2010. For the last two years, Dr Ahmad has been working as an independent consultant on international trade and food security issues from Geneva and Islamabad. He is also one of the regular panelists on the WTO dispute settlement system.
[Official Website]
Mr. Tihomir Ancev
School of Economics, University of Sydney
Tihomir Ancev is Professor in the Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney (Australia). Tiho Ancev holds degrees from Saints Cyril and Methodius University (Bachelor), University of Iceland (Master) and Oklahoma State University (PhD). His main research areas are environmental, natural resource and agricultural economics. Tiho’s contributions have been in water economics and policy, and economics of air pollution and climate change policies. He has published widely on these topics (Journal of Regulatory Economics, Ecological Economics, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Water Resources Management). Tiho has also led and contributed to several national and international projects in these research areas.
[Official Website]
Mr. Samad Azad
Tasmanian School of Business & Economics
Samad Azad currently is a Research Fellow, Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania, and Research Associate, School of Economics, the University of Sydney. Samad completed my Bachelor degree in Agricultural Economics from the Bangladesh Agricultural University in 1997 and then he did his Master of Science (MS) degree in the same subject at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh in 1999. He migrated to Australia in 2006 and started his PhD in February of 2007 for which I have been granted the Faculty’s Alexander Hugh Thorburn Scholarship. During his job as an Agricultural Economist, he received Chairman Award (First place) of the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council for outstanding result in the Foundation training for the NARS Scientists in 2001. hH also received DESC Award for the Best Brilliant Student at Graduate Level of Chapai Nawabgonj District, Bangladesh in 1997. He is currently conducting a post-doctoral research project entitled “Economic and environmental efficiency of irrigated enterprises in the Murray-Darling Basin.”
[Official Website]
Ms. Rebecca Bates
School of Law, Queen Mary University of London
Rebecca Bates joined Queen Mary in January 2014 as a Lecturer in Environmental Law. Prior to arriving at Queen Mary, she held lectureships at the University of Sydney and Brunel University teaching in the areas of Environmental Law, Tort, Equity and Trusts and Public Law. Dr Bates completed her doctorate at the University of Sydney in 2009 which examined the governance of privatised water markets in the domestic and international context. Dr Bates’ research is focused on the area of International Environmental Law with a particular interest in International Water Law and Governance. She regularly comments and contributes to international publications and conferences in these areas. Dr Bates is currently the Book Review editor for the International Human Rights Law Review (Brill). Outside academia, Dr Bates is admitted as a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales and has previously worked at a leading Australian law firm in the area of Product Liability.
[Official Website]
Mr. Anatole Boute
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Anatole Boute is Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, CUHK. Anatole graduated in law and in political sciences from the University of Leuven and holds an advanced master (LLM) in energy and environmental law from the same university. In 2005, he was called to the Brussels bar (Janson Baugniet). He advised on and was involved in litigation concerning the liberalization of electricity and natural gas markets, the promotion of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions trading, combined heat and power and nuclear energy. In January 2011, he defended his PhD on investment protection in the Russian electricity production sector at the University of Groningen under the supervision of Professor Martha Roggenkamp. Based on the results of this research, he advised the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for the World Investment Report 2010. Since March 2011, Anatole Boute advises the International Finance Corporation on Russian electricity law and renewable energy regulation. His articles on energy, environmental and investment law appeared in among others the Fordham International Law Journal, European Law Review, Common Market Law Review, Journal of Environmental Law, Energy Law Journal, Energy Policy, EU-Asia Studies, Journal of World Energy Law and Business, Climate Law, the Carbon and Climate Law Review, and the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law. In 2009, he received the Willoughby prize for his articles published in 2008 in the Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law.
[Official Website]
Mr. Jansen Calamita
British Institute of International and Comparative Law
Jansen Calamita is the Director of the Investment Treaty Forum at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (United Kingdom). Mr. Calamita combines research with practice in the field of public international law. His work includes advising governments on issues related to international investment law and the settlement of international disputes. He is presently seconded to the British Institute of International & Comparative Law in London, where he serves as the Director of the Investment Treaty Forum and a Senior Fellow of the Institute. He continues to teach graduate-level seminars at the Law School.
[Official Website]
Mr. Paulo Canelas de Castro
Faculty of Law, University of Macau
Paulo Canelas de Castro holds a Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law at the University of Macau (Macau, SAR; China), where he is also the Coordinator of the Master s Program in European Union Law, International Law and Comparative Law. He also serves as President of EUSA-Macau and has been a lecturer for the Academy of International Trade Law. Prior to his time at Macau, he lectured International Law and European Union Law in Coimbra (Portugal), held Visiting Professorships in Brazil and Germany and was Legal Counsel before the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice. Over the years he has had a consistent research interest in water law issues, having written several books, book chapters and articles on the subject. His publications include Recent Developments in Water Law. Principles and Comparative Cases (Luso-American Foundation, 2006) and The European Union at 50: Assessing the Past, Looking Ahead (University of Macau Press, 2010).
[Official Website]
Mr. Debashis Chakraborty
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
Debashis Charkraborty is an expert in international finance, emerging markets and Latin American economics. He carries out and publishes research in international finance; provides consulting services to legal and financial firms, as well as to U.S. government agencies and multilateral institutions; and serves as a Dispute Resolution Arbitrator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
[Official Website]
Ms. Leïla Choukroune
Faculty of Law, University of Maastricht
Leïla Choukroune as Director of CSH assumes the scientific and administrative strategic leadership of an international multidisciplinary research team on South Asia. An internationally recognized expert on trade and investment issues, she has developed, for over 15 years, a unique expertise on China and India, as well as on emerging economies. As senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of International Economic Law with the Faculty of Law of the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, she was, until recently, Deputy Director of the Institute for Globalisation and International Regulation (IGIR) and Director of the Advanced Masters in International Economic Law programme. She teaches a variety of advanced courses for lawyers and non-lawyers on WTO law, international investment law, development law and business and human rights. She is a visiting Professor at the World Trade Institute (Berne, Switzerland), the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, the Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (Arusha, Tanzania) and the China-EU School of Law (Beijing, China). She has taught and lectured in a large number of leading academic institutions including the Renmin People’s University Law School, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Indian Society of International Law, the West Bengal University of Juridical Sciences, National Law School of India University, Bangalore, National Law University Delhi, and Cornell Law School. Her researches focus on the interactions between trade, investment and human rights and are mostly applied to emerging countries, China and India in particular. Leïla Choukroune has published numerous articles in international peer reviewed journals and authored several books. She has also published opinion pieces in national and international newspapers.
[Official Website]
Mr. Panagiotis Delimatsis
Faculty of Law, University of Tilburg
Panagiotis Delimatsis is Professor of European and International Trade Law and Director of the Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC) at Tilburg University. In this capacity, he leads the research cluster ‘Finance, Trade and Investment’ within the TILEC Research Programme 2012-2017. His research focuses on regulatory issues in the service sector, in particular the effects of unduly burdensome domestic regulations on factor mobility. He also has a keen interest and regularly publishes in the institutional and substantive aspects of standardization, financial regulation and energy. Panagiotis has published extensively on international and European law issues in top refereed journals, including the European Journal of International law, the Journal of International Economic Law, the Common Market Law Review, the Journal of World Trade and the World Trade Review. His most recent research papers are available here. He is the author of ’International Trade in Services and Domestic Regulations - Necessity, Transparency, and Regulatory Diversity’ (International Economic Law Series, Oxford University Press, 2007). He also co-edited two collective volumes, the first on ‘The Prospects of International Trade Regulation’ (Cambridge University Press, 2011) and the second on ‘Financial Services at the Crossroads - Implications for Supervision, Institutional Design and Trade’ (Kluwer Law International, 2011).
[Official Website]
Mr. Rahul Donde
Associate, Levy Kaufmann-Kohler, Geneva
Rahul Donde is presently an Associate at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a boutique arbitration firm specializing in international investment arbitration and international commercial arbitration. He has acted as counsel and secretary of the arbitral tribunal in numerous international arbitration proceedings under both ad hoc and institutional arbitration rules. He has particular experience in disputes relating to utilities and natural resources (oil, gas and renewable energy) in different jurisdictions. He is currently involved in high-profile disputes under the NAFTA and the Energy Charter Treaty concerning renewable energy.
Prior to joining Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, Rahul worked at prominent dispute resolution law firms in Geneva and Mumbai where he was involved in both commercial and investment arbitrations. He has spoken at a number of international conferences including the Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law and the Annual International Arbitration Conference in Taiwan. His publications cover topics of current interest in energy law and international arbitration, from an analysis of post-Macondo regulatory regimes and liability allocation in upstream oil and gas contracts to transparency in investment arbitration and the enforceability of arbitral interim measures. He has taught courses on International Trade Law.
Rahul holds a LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement from the University of Geneva. He is presently pursing a second Masters degree in Oil & Gas Law from the Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. He is a member of several professional associations (ICC YAF, LCIA YIAG, AFIA etc.), and is a “Buddy” in the 2015 Young ICCA Mentorship Program.
[Official Website]
Mr. Bryan Druzin
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Bryan Druzin is an Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the LLM program at the Chinese University of Hong Kong where he teaches jurisprudence and contract law. Dr. Druzin’s chief research interests lie at the intersection of legal theory and law and economics with a strong emphasis on game theory. He has published extensively in these areas in a variety of leading, peer-reviewed journals and U.S. law reviews. Dr. Druzin received his B.A., LL.B., and LL.M. from the University of British Columbia. He completed his PhD at King’s College London. Dr. Druzin’s current research includes topics such as the spontaneous emergence of property rights, rapid normative changes in Internet censorship, and the self-ordering potential of public international law. Dr. Druzin has recently received extensive funding to conduct a series of games involving hundreds of participants to empirically support his theory of property rights emergence (results are forthcoming). Selected areas of non-legal interest include: political theory, sociology, semiotics, and normative ethics. Dr. Druzin has also previously taught at King’s College London and Brunel University London. Dr. Druzin is fluent in Mandarin having lived in Taiwan where he worked for many years in the private sector.
[Official Website]
Ms. Kun Fan
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Kun Fan is Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Yenching Institute (2012-2013). Her expertise is in the field of in international dispute settlement, comparative legal studies and global legal studies. She is particularly interested in broad intellectual inquiries across national, disciplinary and professional boundaries. She has studied and worked in China, Singapore, U.S.A., Switzerland, France and Hong Kong, and speaks Chinese, English and French. She has conducted several research projects on various topics related to alternative dispute resolution. She is author of the book Arbitration in China: A Legal and Cultural Analysis (Hart Publishing) and has published extensively in a variety of leading international journals. Some of her work can be downloaded at http://ssrn.com/author=1163319. Her doctoral dissertation, under the supervision of Professor Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, was awarded the Best Thesis in International Studies by the Swiss Network for International Studies Award. She is called to the New York Bar, a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a domain names panelist of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center and an accredited mediator of Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited.
[Official Website]
Mr. Paolo Davide Farah
University of West Virginia
Paolo Davide Farah (PhD, PhD, LL.M, J.D.) works at West Virginia University (WV, USA) where he teaches climate change, energy and environmental law and policy. Prof. Farah has previously taught public international law, international economic law, international business law, company law and international environmental and energy law at Edge Hill University Department of Law & Criminology in United Kingdom (2012-2014), at University of Milan and Turin in Italy (2003-2011). He is also Director of Research (Honorary Position) of gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) http://www.glawcal.org.uk His main research and teaching areas of interest are public international law, international economic law and WTO law, European law, Intellectual Property law, Comparative law & Chinese law, climate change, environmental law and energy law. He is an expert in the interaction among trade, economic globalization and non-trade concerns, such as sustainable development, energy, environment and human rights with a special focus on China and other Asian countries. In June 2013, he was invited by Routledge Publishing to act as Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Book Series of “Transnational Law and Globalization”. He is also Editor-in-Chief and Director of the Book Series on “International Economic Law, Globalization and Development” of Ashgate Publishing for books in English and of Wolters Kluwer (CEDAM) for books in Italian, French and Spanish. During the academic year 2011-2012, Dr. Farah was a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, East Asian Legal Studies Program. Previously, he spent more than four years in Beijing coordinating EU Commission research projects in collaboration with Chinese Universities such as Tsinghua University Law School, Peking University, China-EU School of Law, Beijing Foreign Studies University, East China of University of Political Sciences and Law, Shanghai JiaoTong University. He is the Scientific Director and Program Coordinator of the Summer School held at Peking University School of Government with two parallel curricula: “Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection” (SICCEP) and “Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China” (IP-China). Paolo is a Consultant for the European Commission in Brussels (2007 – present) and TAIEX-Technical Assistance Information Exchange of the European Commission (EU law implementation in new member States such as Cyprus and Slovak Republic); International Consultant and Legal Advisor for a project by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to assist and assess the accession of Belarus to the WTO (in particular the TRIPs agreement) and to verify whether the commitments taken by Belarus within the framework of the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation are in compliance with the future potential accession to the WTO. He had been Consultant (2007-2009) for the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development and Commerce and for the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Dr. Farah also worked at the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO in Geneva, and was an Associate Lawyer of Baker & McKenzie Law Firm, Milan Branch (2003-2005). Dr. Farah holds double PhD in International law from Aix-Marseille University (France) and from Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), LLM in European Legal Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) and J.D. from Paris Ouest-La Defense Nanterre University (France). During the academic year 2011-2012, he was Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School, East Asian Legal Studies Program. He has been also EU commission Marie Curie Fellow at Tsinghua University Law School (China), the Chinese Research Academy on Environmental Sciences (CRAES) in Beijing (China) and at Peking University in Beijing (China).
[Official Website]
Mr. Timothy Franklyn
DLA Piper HK
Timothy Franklyn is Senior Counsel at DLA Piper, Hong Kong. Timothy has worked at leading international capital markets focused international law practices in Asia since 2005, including at the Singapore office of a ’magic‘ circle firm prior to joining DLA Piper in 2008. Timothy Franklyn advises corporate issuers, sovereigns and underwriters on international securities transactions, including sovereign debt offerings, initial public offerings, private placements and bond offerings. Timothy regularly represents financial institutions such as Citigroup, Bank of America Merrill Lynch and HSBC, particularly in connection with raising capital for Indian issuers.
[Official Website]
Mr. Danny Friedmann
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Danny Friedmann is an award winning researcher and lecturer of intellectual property law, with a particular interest in international economic law and the intersections between human rights law, intellectual property law, innovation and investment law, trade law and transnational law. Dr. Friedmann is the initiator and leader of the CRJ Batavia Projection international criminal law in an historic perspective and is a contributor for a project related to the UN, and also for the Stanford WILMap project on internet intermediary liability. Before becoming research associate at CUHK, Danny Friedmann did his PhD at CUHK. His dissertation calls for a paradigm shift of the trademark logo, towards algorithmic justice to reconcile the freedom of expression with the protection of the trademark logo, and an abandonment of the safe harbour provisions. Dr. Friedmann is familiar with both civil and common law systems and has co-taught Intellectual Property and the Law and has taught lawyers about transnational trademark law.
[Official Website]
Mr. Christopher Gane
Dean, Faculty of Law, CUHK
Christopher Gane was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Law in September 2011. Prior to coming to the Chinese University of Hong Kong he held the Chair of Scots Law at the University of Aberdeen where he was Dean of the Faculty of Law from 1995 to 2000. In 2004 he was appointed University Vice-Principal (Pro Vice-Chancellor) and over the next seven years was responsible for a number of strategic portfolios, including Library and Information Services, Culture and Communities and Equality and Diversity. In 2008 he was appointed Head of the College of Arts and Social Sciences (which comprises the Schools of Business; Divinity, History and Philosophy; Education; Language and Literature; Law; Social Sciences). Prior to his appointment at Aberdeen he held academic appointments at the Universities of Reading, Edinburgh, Lancaster and Sussex. Between 1986 and 1989 he was Head of the Department of Law at the University of Lancaster. From 1991-1994 he was Director of the Centre for Legal Studies at the University of Sussex. His research and teaching interests include domestic Criminal Law and Procedure, International Criminal Law and Human Rights. He is the author, co-author or editor of twelve books / editions and more than fifty scholarly articles and papers. He has acted as consultant to the Scottish Executive in respect of their Human Rights obligations under the Scotland Act 1998 and the Human Rights Act 1998, as advisor to the Scottish Parliament on a number of criminal law, criminal justice and criminal procedure Bills and as advisor to the Scottish Government on European Union criminal law and procedure. He was a member of the Committee appointed by the Secretary of State for Scotland to review the Law on disposals of serious violent and serious sex offenders (the McLean Committee) and a member of the Sentencing Commission for Scotland throughout its term of appointment. He was the co-founder of the group which produced the Draft Criminal Code for Scotland, published by the Scottish Law Commission. In 1997 he was appointed an Honorary Sheriff of Grampian Highland and Islands at Aberdeen.
[Official Website]
Mr. Emmanuel Gillet
School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Emmanuel Gillet is Teaching Fellow, School of Accounting and Finance, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dr. Emmanuel GILLET has previously worked as a visiting scholar at the European Union Academic Programme in Hong Kong. Emmanuel also has nine years’ experience as an in-house legal counsel and editor for a European leader in the management and protection of companies’ online intellectual property assets. He specializes in intellectual property, cyberlaw, alternative dispute resolution and comparative law. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Grenoble University (CUERPI) on the topic of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Intellectual Property. He obtained master degrees in intellectual property and cyberlaw (Montpellier I University) and international arbitration (Versailles University). Dr Gillet has given lectures at different universities in various jurisdictions. He currently teaches Introduction to Business Law and Legal Aspects of E-Commerce.
[Official Website]
Mr. Shotaro Hamamoto
School of Law, University of Kyoto
Shotaro Hamamoto (LLB/LLM, Kyoto; docteur en droit, Paris II) is Professor at the Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University, Japan, and was professeur invité at the Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) in 2009. He publishes in Japanese, French and English on the theory of international law, recognition, law of treaties, law of the sea, human rights, investment law, sports law and European Union law. He was assistant for the Government of Spain in the Fisheries Jurisdiction case (Spain v. Canada) before the International Court of Justice and advocate for the Government of Japan in the Hoshinmaru case (Japan v. Russia) and the Tomimaru case (Japan v. Russia) before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. He also represents Japan in the UNCITRAL WGII (Arbitration and Conciliation), working on transparency in treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration since 2010. He is an arbitrator at the Japan Sports Arbitration Agency and member of the Board of Editors of the Japanese Yearbook of International Law.
[Official Website]
Mr. Shintaro Hamanaka
Asian Development Bank, Manila
Shintaro Hamanaka is currently Economist at the Office of Regional Economic Integration of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He also holds the position of Honorary Research Fellow at White Rose East Asia Centre in the UK. Before joining ADB, he worked as a service negotiator of Doha Round at the Japanese Mission to the World Trade Organization (WTO). Prior to this, he was a central bank economist at the Bank of Japan. His research interests include political economy of regionalism, regional economic architecture in Asia, and free trade agreements, particularly regional services agreements. He authors several books and numerous academic journal articles in the field of political science, economics and international law. His recent publication includes a single authored book Asian Free Trade Agreements and WTO Compatibility from World Scientific.
[Official Website]
Mr. Francesc Hernandez-Sancho
School of Economics, University of Valencia
Francesc Hernandez-Sancho is the Chair of the IWA working group on water economics which main objective is to analyze and integrate economic aspects in the water and waste water management and decision-making process of utilities to raise efficiency and environmental benefits. The WG therefore will create possibilities to discuss these topics like workshops connected to the SG meeting, papers, presentations, interactive website, etc. Dr. Francesc Hernandez-Sancho has written on key aspects of water economics in the best reviews. ("Environmental Performance: An Index Number Approach ". (With R. Färe, S. Grosskopf). Resource and Energy Economics, 26: 343-352 [2004]. "Directional Distance Functions and Environmental Regulation ". (With A. Picazo, E. Reig). Resource and Energy Economics, 27: 131-142 [2005]. "The social benefits of restoring water quality in the context of the Water Framework Directive: A comparison of willingness to pay and willingness to accept". (With S. del-Saz, R. Sala). Science of the Total Environment, 407: 4574-4583 [2009].)
[Official Website]
Mr. Christoph Herrmann
Faculty of Law, University of Passau
Christoph Herrmann is Professor of European and International Economic Law at the University of Passau. His research focuses on the relationship between the EU and the international economic legal order, in particular EU trade policy as well as the Eurozone and its relations with the IMF and other international actors. He studied law (and some economics) at the University of Bayreuth and European and international economic law at the University of London. He holds a doctorate summa cum laude from the University of Bayreuth and completed his practical legal education in Germany in 2005. Subsequently he was a Jean-Monnet-Fellow at the EUI in Florence and finished his Habilitation in 2009 at the University of Munich. He is editor of the European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL), listed on the indicative list of panelists of the WTO and was the case author of the ELSA EMC2 WTO Law Moot Court (2012/13).
[Official Website]
Mr. Timothy Hughes
Herbert Smith Freehills
Timothy Hughes is a dispute resolution attorney specialising in international commercial arbitration and public international law. He counsels clients across a number of different sectors, with particular experience in disputes arising under public international law and in the hospitality, energy and mining industries. Before relocating to Hong Kong in 2013 to join Herbert Smith Freehills, Tim practiced at a prominent litigation firm in Washington, D.C. for several years, where he advised clients on international investment disputes and commercial claims under many of the main institutional rules (including ICC, ICSID, and UNCITRAL). In addition, Tim has experience conducting internal investigations of alleged criminal conduct, focusing on government enforcement of anti-corruption and competition regulations. Tim earned his law degree in 2010 from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, where he earned a certificate of specialisation in international law. At Berkeley, Tim served as the Supervising Editor of the Berkeley Journal of International Law and was a research assistant to Professor David D Caron. He is a member of the California Bar, and is a Registered Foreign Lawyer in Hong Kong. Prior to joining Herbert Smith Freehills, Tim had advised: a U.S. mining company in an ICSID arbitration in Washington, D.C. against a Central American government; a Canadian mining company in an UNCITRAL arbitration seated in Paris against a Central Asian government; a CIS airline in an ICC arbitration seated in Seattle, Washington against an aircraft parts manufacturer; a top-level domain name operator in relation to an ICC arbitration in California applying California law and international law to a contract dispute regarding the operation of a top-level internet domain name.
Mr. Zhaodong Jiang
Business School, CUHK
Zhaodong Jiang teaches business law and taxation subjects at the Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained a BA degree from Nanjing University, China, and a LLM and SJD degrees from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining academia, he practiced law in Los Angeles, California. He is a member of the State Bar of California. He also served as a member, Board of Review, Hong Kong SAR from 1996 to 2006. His research interests include dispute resolution, business law, and taxation.
[Official Website]
Mr. Sufian Jusoh
Faculty of Law, University of Malaysia
Sufian Jusoh is the Director Center of International Law in Malaysia, which focuses on international trade and international investment, especially in biotechnology, green technology, food safety and healthcare. Sufian Jusoh is also the Advisor on Biotechnology Industry to the State of Perak, Perak, Malaysia. In biotechnology policy and investment, Sufian is now a Project Leader of an enzyme production project in Malaysia. In green technology and CDM, Sufian is involved in establishing several such projects and business developments in Malaysia. Sufian used to serve as a Committee Member, resource person and consultant to many international organizations in the field of biotechnology, green technology, intellectual property and international investment, including to UNCTAD, WIPO and APEC. Sufian also acted as consultant to establishing the Malaysian Biosafety Framework. Sufian co-ordinates WTI training programmes in Southeast Asia for trade officials and diplomats in the field of international trade and international investment. Sufian has also assisted many countries such as Viet Nam, India, Palestine and China. Sufian is a Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln’s Inn, London and holds an LLB from Cardiff Law School, an LLM from University College London and a PhD (Summa cum Laude) from the University of Bern.
[Official Website]
Mr. Markus Krajewski
Faculty of Law, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Markus Krajewski is professor of public and international law at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). Previously he held positions at the universities of Bremen and Potsdam and at King’s College London. His research interests include international and European law, in particular constitutional and institutional issues of WTO law, trade in services, external relations of the EU and the treatment of public services under European and international law. He is a regular consultant on international trade law for governmental institutions and non-governmental organisations. In the academic year 2009/2010 he directed a capacity building project at the Faculty of Law of Addis Ababa University in support of Ethiopia’s accession to the WTO. Since 2011 he is a member of the Committee on International Trade Law of the International Law Association (ILA).
[Official Website]
Mr. Allen Lai
ESSEC Business School, Singapore
Allen Lai is the Director for Institute of Health Economics and Management at ESSEC Business School Asia Pacific campus. He obtains his PhD in Public Policy from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP), National University of Singapore (NUS), where he was awarded Lee Kuan Yew Graduate Scholarship (2007), Taiwan Overseas Merit Scholarship (2009-2011), and a full doctorate research scholarship (2008-2012). Dr. Lai’s research focuses on forging collaborative capacity through crisis learning, illustrated through case studies of lead public health institutions in different epidemic networks and health systems to tackle SARS and H1N1 pandemics in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Prior to his PhD, Dr. Lai was awarded a master of science in preventive medicine, specializing community health, infectious epidemiology and health systems. Later he took another master degree in public administration (NUS), focusing on global health, public health policy and health economics. Other than his doctorate research, Dr Allen Lai has been recently consulted for the following organizations: Health Promotion Bureau (Taiwan), Ateneo School of Government (Philippines), and Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). In 2010, he was awarded a delegate to NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia (NIHA). He has published several articles regarding infectious disease control, and disaster and emergency management in the international peer reviewed top journals, and has been invited for presentations worldwide.
[Official Website]
Mr. Jonatan Lassa
School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University
Jonatan Lassa is a Researcher Center for Non-Traditional Security Studies (NTS) S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. A former fellow of the Harvard Kennedy School, Jonatan Lassa is an interdisciplinary scientist focused on institutional and human dimensions of disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation. He has qualifications in civil engineering, development studies, environmental policy, and social science. He holds a master’s degree in environment and international development from the University of East Anglia, UK, received his Ph.D. in geoinformation science from the University of Bonn, Germany, and was a Ph.D. researcher based at the United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany. He has more than 10 years of professional experience in civil society organizations (including United Nations agencies) and in the disaster governance sector. As an Indonesian Research Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School for the Spring 2011 semester, Lassa’s research will focus on the role of institutions and governance in the (dis)integration of climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. His research hypothesizes that there are missing links and volatility in both horizontal and vertical governance of Indonesia.
[Official Website]
Mr. William Marshall
Baker & McKenzie, HK
William Marshall is a partner in the Hong Kong/China Taxation Practice Group. His main areas of practice are international trade, customs, indirect tax, and corporate advisory work related to supply chain and distribution strategies in China and Hong Kong. In addition, he represents private and sovereign government clients in trade remedy proceedings. Mr. Marshall has written and is regularly invited to speak on China and Asia Pacific customs, international trade, sourcing and supply chain issues. He is admitted to practice in Hong Kong, New York and New Jersey. Mr. Marshall regularly advises clients on customs valuation and transfer pricing, supply chain structuring, customs and indirect tax planning and compliance, as well as product regulatory and labeling laws. He routinely advises clients on the establishment of sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, wholesale and retail operations in China and Hong Kong. He also has extensive experience in trade remedy actions as well as contentious customs and tax proceedings in China and the United States.
[Official Website]
Mr. Bryan Mercurio
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Bryan Mercurio is Professor, Vice Chancellor’s Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Law and Associate Dean (Research) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prior to joining CUHK, Professor Mercurio was a tenured faculty member at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and Director of the International Trade and Development Project at the Gilbert + Tobin Centre for Public Law. He has also worked both in government and in private practice and has advised law firms, international organizations, NGOs and several governments on a wide range of international trade and investment matters. Professor Mercurio’s expertise is in the field of international economic law, with a particular interest in the intersection between trade law and intellectual property rights. His work also frequently deals with free trade agreements, WTO dispute settlement and increasingly international investment law. He is the author of one of the most widely prescribed case books on WTO law (2012 2nd edition, Hart Publishing, with Simon Lester and Arwel Davies) and editor of the leading collection on bilateral and regional trade agreements (Cambridge University Press, 2009, with Simon Lester). He has published articles in all of the leading trade journals (some of his work is available for download at http://ssrn.com/author=346439) and was awarded of a large grant by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council to investigate the intellectual property regime as it relates to the pharmaceutical industry in Hong Kong with a view to making recommendations for regulatory amendments in line with the needs and priorities of Hong Kong (2013-2015). Professor Mercurio has taught as a visitor at the Melbourne Law School and Adelaide Law School and held visiting positions at institutions in Asia, Europe and the United States. He is currently a Professorial Visiting Fellow at the UNSW Faculty of Law, Senior Fellow of the Tim Fischer Centre for Global Trade & Finance and Senior Fellow at the Melbourne Law School. Professor Mercurio was a member of the founding committee and served on the inaugural Executive Board of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), a founding member of the SIEL Intellectual Property Law Network, a founding member of the Asian International Economic Law Network and a Member of the Asian WTO Research Network. Professor Mercurio is on the Editorial or Advisory Board of a number of journals, including the Asian Law Journal, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, The Law and Development Review, International Journal of Technoethics and Revista de Derecho Económico Internacional.
[Official Website]
Mr. Sacchidananda Mukherjee
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (New Delhi)
Sacchidananda Mukherjee is an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi. Before joining NIPFP, he was with International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Hyderabad and World Wide Fund for Nature-India, New Delhi. He is working on public finance, environmental economics and water resources management issues in India for last one decade. Dr. Mukherjee has studied at the Madras School of Economics, Chennai (Ph.D. in Economics from University of Madras) and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (M.A. in Economics). His area of doctoral research is on Agricultural Non-point Source Groundwater Pollution. He has conducted research projects funded by the Planning Commission, Government of India; IWMI, Colombo and published his research papers in national and international journals. He has been consulted by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi and Madras School of Economics, Chennai. Dr. Mukherjee is a life member of Indian Society for Ecological Economics and a reviewer (ad hoc) of Water Resources Management, Urban Water Journal, Water Policy and International Journal of Global Environmental Issues.
[Official Website]
Mr. Jesús Seade
Department of Economics, Lingnan University
Jesús Seade is Sydney S.W. Leong Chair Professor of Economics, Lingnan University, HK & Founder Deputy Head of the WTO. Professor Seade has been a senior executive and leading contributor to economic theory, policy and practice from a range of senior positions in academia, government, and international economic organizations. He held a Chair in Economics at Warwick University, the United Kingdom and was Director-founder of Mexico’s leading Economics Department; Ambassador and chief negotiator to the Uruguay Round Trade Negotiations and to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and was appointed as a founder deputy head of the World Trade Organization (WTO)(1993-1998). Subsequently at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) (1998-2007) he was closely involved in crisis management and capital market issues (Brazil, Argentina, Turkey) before moving on to head the IMF’s Task-force overseeing all work on Standards and Codes. He joined Lingnan University in January 2007 as Chair Professor and Head of the Economics Department and moved to his present position as Vice-President on 1 September 2008, while remaining active in both teaching and research. Professor Seade’s main research interests are in financial markets, theoretical and applied fiscal analysis, and trade. His publications have appeared in the leading economics journals including Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Public Economics, Economic Journal, and others. At Lingnan, where he arrived in January 2007, he has been leading a major collaborative research project with other colleagues at Lingnan and in other universities locally and abroad, studying Hong Kong as International Financial Centre, applying a range of techniques to the analysis of what determines relative efficiency and performance in different sectors of financial industry in major centres in the region and globally. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on the comparative analysis of international financial centres.
[Official Website]
Mr. Samuli Seppänen
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Samuli Seppänen holds an S.J.D. degree from Harvard Law School and an undergraduate law degree from Helsinki University, Finland. At Harvard, Samuli served as a teaching fellow at the Kennedy School of Governance and as a coordinator of the Visiting Scholars’ and Researchers’ Colloquium at the law school. Between graduating from Harvard Law School and joining the faculty of law, Samuli was an associate with Allen & Overy’s international capital markets practice in London. Samuli has also worked as a junior professional officer with the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for South East Asia. Samuli’s research focuses on legal and political thought in China and developmental aspects of international law. He is admitted to the New York bar.
[Official Website]
Mr. Fernando Dias Simões
Faculty of Law, University of Macau
Fernando Dias Simões is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law, University of Macau. Dr. Simões is an expert in international law and international arbitration. He teaches, researches, and practises in the fields of public international law, international dispute settlement, international arbitration, international investment law, and private international law. He is the author of Commercial Arbitration between China and the Portuguese-Speaking World (Kluwer 2014)
[Official Website]
Ms. Debra Tan
China Water Risk
Debra Tan heads China Water Risk, a non-profit initiative dedicated to highlighting and addressing business and environmental risk arising from China’s limited water resources. She was responsible for the build out of the initiative’s free-access website www.chinawaterrisk.org, funded by ADM Capital Foundation, RS Group and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Since launch, China Water Risk has become the ‘go-to’ resource for water issues in China. Tan has written extensively about the water-energy-food nexus as well as ground-breaking reports analyzing the impact of water risks on certain sectors for financial institutions and corporates. Aside from investor conferences, she has also been the keynote and panelist at numerous industry conferences as well as G2G and academic forums. Tan started her career in finance, spending over a decade as a chartered accountant and investment banker specializing in mergers & acquisitions and strategic advisory. She has lived and worked in Beijing, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, London, New York and Singapore. Tan left banking to explore her creative side. She has since pursued her interest in photography and within a year had her first solo exhibition. She also ran and organized hands-on philanthropic and luxury holidays for a small but global private members travel network and applied her auditing, financing and photography skills in the field for various charitable organizations and foundations.
[Official Website]
Ms. Catharine Titi
Faculty of Law, University of Paris II
Catharine Titi holds a PhD from the University of Siegen (Germany) Since 2013, she is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Paris II. She is the author of ‘The Right to Regulate in International Investment Law”, Nomos and Hart Publishing, 2014. She also authored a number of articles published in top journals such as Full Protection and Security, Arbitrary or Discriminatory Treatment and the Invisible EU Model BIT, Journal of World Investment & Trade 15 (3-4), 2014, p. 534-550; Les clauses de stabilisation dans les contrats d’investissement : une entrave au pouvoir normatif de l’Etat d’accueil ? Journal du droit international 141 (2), 2014 The Arbitrator as a Lawmaker: Jurisgenerative Processes in Investment Arbitration, Journal of World Investment & Trade 14 (5), 2013, p. 829-851.
[Official Website]
Mr. Gonzalo Villalta Puig
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Gonzalo Villalta Puig is Professor of Law and Associate Dean (Research) and Associate Dean (Development and External Affairs) of the Faculty of Law at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He last was Reader in Law at the University of Hull, where he was the School of Law’s Director of Learning and Teaching, and, earlier, Senior Lecturer in Law at La Trobe University. Prof. Villalta Puig is a Doctor of Juridical Science. He is a Barrister and Solicitor of the High Court of Australia and a Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales. Prof. Villalta Puig is a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy. He is the Vice-Chancellor’s Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Within that specialisation, Prof. Villalta Puig researches the role of constitutional courts in the constitutionalisation of free trade in federations and other non-unitary jurisdictions, mostly by a comparative approach. He has a particular research interest in the economic constitutions of the European Union and the Commonwealth of Australia and the law and policy of economic relations between them. His other research interests include the constitutionalisation both of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf as an economic union and the free trade area under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between the customs territories of the People’s Republic of China and its Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong. Prof. Villalta Puig is Convenor of the Research Group for Constitutional Studies of Free Trade and Political Economy of the International Association of Constitutional Law and a member of the Committee on International Trade Law of the International Law Association. He is also Secretary of the Hong Kong Branch of the International Law Association and a member of the Full Council of the International Law Association. Prof. Villalta Puig is the former Deputy Convenor of the Public Law Subject Section of The Society of Legal Scholars in the United Kingdom and Ireland. He is Associate Editor of the Global Journal of Comparative Law (Brill Nijhoff), which he co-founded. Prof. Villalta Puig is a Director of the Centre for Financial Regulation and Economic Development, Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is on the Advisory Committee of the Master of Laws Programme in Law and Economics of Utrecht University, at which he is a Visiting Professor. Prof. Villalta Puig holds visiting appointments elsewhere in Europe, including Bocconi University, University of Navarra, and Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE). Outside of Europe, he is a Visiting Professor at Waseda University and Universiti Teknologi MARA and he has been a Visiting Fellow at the Centre for European Studies (Australian National University). Prof. Villalta Puig acts as a Peer Reviewer for The Higher Education Academy, the Austrian Science Fund, the Government of Portugal’s Foundation for Science and Technology, and the Government of South Africa’s National Research Foundation. He has judged the ELSA Moot Court Competition on the Law of the World Trade Organization, The Willem C Vis (East) International Commercial Arbitration Moot, and The Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, among other student competitions. Prof. Villalta Puig is admitted to practise law in Australia, New Zealand, England and Wales, and several other jurisdictions. He practised Commercial Law with Clayton Utz, Australia’s leading independent law firm and one of the largest in the world. While in legal practice, Prof. Villalta Puig was a member of the Legal Profession Act and Ethics Committee of the Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory and a member of various committees of the International Bar Association. Also in that time, he served as a Justice of the Peace of the Australian Capital Territory and was a Scholar of the International Bar Association. Prof. Villalta Puig later was an External Examiner at The University of Law (The College of Law as it then was) for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (The Law Society) and a member of the Court of the University of Liverpool.
[Official Website]
Mr. Chien-huei Wu
Academica Sinica
Chien-huei Wu is Associate Professor at the prestigious Academica Sinica. He is the author of the book “WTO and the Greater China: Economic Integration and Dispute Resolution” Leiden, Boston: Martinus Nijhoff. He is also the authors of articles such as Wu, Chien-Huei (2013/12). Legal Aspects of the WTO/IMF Relationship Revisited. In M. Cremona, P. Hilpold, N. Lavranos, S. S. Schneider & A. Ziegler (Eds.), Festschrift in Honour of Professor E.U. Petersmann. Leiden and Boston: Brill 277-290.; Wu, Chien-Huei (2013/09). Monetary Cooperation in the East Asian Context: Progress and Challenges. Asian Journal of WTO and International Health Law and Policy, 8(2): 583-604.
[Official Website]
Mr. Chao Xi
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Chao Xi is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he concurrently serves as Assistant Dean (Graduate Studies) and Director of the Master of Laws Programmes in Chinese Business Law, Common Law and International Economic Law. He also directs the Chinese Law Program of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAPS), CUHK. Professor Xi specializes in comparative corporate law, securities regulation, and financial regulation, with a particular focus on the case of China. He has published extensively in leading peer-reviewed international journals, including the Banking and Finance Law Review, European Journal of Business Organization Law Review, Journal of Business Law, and Journal of Comparative Law, Statute Law Review, and Tort Law Review. His research has received significant funding support from the Hong Kong SAR Government Research Grants Council, the PRC Ministry of Education, and the Sumitomo Foundation. Professor Xi holds various visiting positions at institutions in Asia and Europe. He is an elected Director (and Treasurer) of the European China Law Studies Association (ECLS). He serves on the Editorial Board of a number of peer-reviewed journals, including The China Review, China-EU Law Journal, and Hong Kong Law Journal. Professor Xi is also a Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), UK, and he has regularly been engaged by law firms, multinationals, and government departments and agencies as an expert.
[Official Website]
Ms. Yuhong Zhao
Faculty of Law, CUHK
Yuhong Zhao joined the Chinese University of Hong Kong in September 2006. Her teaching and research expertise includes Chinese environmental law, international and comparative environmental law and policy, and the legal system of the PRC. She has published on environmental dispute resolution, environmental impact assessment, cleanup of contaminated land, environment and trade, and biodiversity conservation. Professor Zhao is a member of the United College since 2006.
[Official Website]